Corporate information

When was the company established?

December 12, 1997.

What business areas do you operate in?

Please read the company overview.

When was your stock listed?

We were listed on April 3, 2019, on Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers Section and Nagoya Stock Exchange Centrex. In July 3, 2020, we were listed on First Section of Tokyo Stock Exchange, and on First Section of Nagoya Stock Exchange.In April 4, 2022, we were listed on Prime Market of Tokyo Stock Exchange, and on Premier Market of Nagoya Stock Exchange. In October 20, 2023, we were listed on Standard Market of Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Which stock exchanges are you listed on?

Standard Market of Tokyo Stock Exchange and Premier Market of Nagoya Stock Exchange.

Financial information

What is your performance forecast?

Please read the financial digest in the IR Library.

When do you close your financial period?

August 31 every year.

When do you announce your financial statements?

Please check our IR Calendar.

Stock information

What is your stock code?


What is your stock's smallest sales unit?


When do you hold your stockholders' meeting?

We plan to hold the meeting every November. Please check our IR Calendar for more details.

Do you have any exclusive offer system for stockholders?
